When faced with wrongful dismissal in Quebec, many employees find themselves navigating not only the legal complexities of their case but also the financial and emotional aftermath. One critical yet often misunderstood aspect of such cases is the duty to mitigate...
In the landscape of Quebec’s labor law, the fine print of employment termination clauses often slips through the cracks of understanding, yet its significance is undeniable. These provisions sketch the blueprint for the end of an employment relationship,...
Every year, thousands of workers face the ordeal of leaving their companies, which can be easily verified by Statistics Canada. At the heart of this often emotionally charged event is a crucial issue: that of severance packages. It is not just a number on a cheque; It...
The world of work is constantly changing, and employers, for a variety of reasons, may need to change the tasks or responsibilities of their employees. However, these changes can sometimes lead to conflictual situations, especially if they significantly affect the...
Psychological harassment in the workplace is not just a quarrel between colleagues; It is a toxic reality that corrodes the integrity of our professional environments. In Montreal, this problem is not limited to the worried murmurs in the corridors of companies; It is...
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