Checklists for Executives
There are many things you need to share with a lawyer to receive an assessment, and for a lawyer to prepare for a call with you. Each checklist is laid out below with a downloadable document for your convenience.
Circumstances to share with employment lawyer
- Age
- Years of service
- Compensation
- Benefits
- Position held
- Ease of replacing position (for you)
- Time of year when the termination occurred
- Circumstances of the dismissal
- Organizational culture of the company
- Economic circumstances
- Whether there is any reputational damage
- Any other factors you think may be relevant
Documents to gather for employment lawyer
- A brief summary of what you were earning and how it is broken down:
- base,
- bonuses/STIP,
- RSUs/PSUs/Stock options/LTIPs,
- benefits,
- car allowance,
- RRSPs,
- other perks or advantages,
- etc…
- Your T4’s and RIs for the last two fiscal years
- Any copies of your employment contract
Do Not’s
- Sign anything before consulting legal counsel
- Delay in consulting a lawyer (especially after you’ve been dismissed)
- Discuss the situation with anyone currently employed by your employer
- Discuss your situation with anyone in HR
- Request any documents from your employer if you are unable to find them yourself
- Attempt to handle the situation yourself